Thursday, February 19, 2009

Genealogy Journal - 02/19/09

This was an interesting genealogy day - blogging, cemetery walking, TGF chat, downloading, testing, etc. Different than most!

I was on the computer early by 7:20 a.m., read my email and blogs, and didn't know what to post until I saw James Tanner's post about FamilySearch Record Search's new interface, so I wrote LDS Record Search Changes and added some screen shots. I got cleaned up and went off to the dentist to have my new molar installed. I was done by 9:45 - it feels really tight, not sure it won't have to be adjusted.

Rather than head home for a dreary morning of blogging about something, I went to Glen Abbey Cemetery to take some pictures for a CVGS query. Then I went off to La Vista to see if David d. smith are buried there - nope! I took the opportunity to take more pictures of interesting graves, but the camera batteries were exhausted, so I headed home, stopped at McDonald's for lunch, and was home by 11:30 a.m. I read email, blogs and Facebook, then installed new batteries in the camera, uploaded my photos to the computer, and sorted them into file folders. I posted Mormon Battalion Memorial at Fort Rosecrans and Civil War Soldiers buried at La Vista Cemetery in National City CA on the South San Diego County Graveyard Rabbit blog.

Then it was time for some Ancestry Search blogging, so I wrote and posted Genealogy Search Engines: - Post 3: New Search, Exact Matches on Genea-Musings. That took awhile, and in the meantime Linda came home. I went and uploaded some photos from Disneyland to Facebook, and added the Friends Wheel application to Facebook. At 4:30, I came in to read the paper, watch TV and take a nap, then had dinner and Linda went out to her church group. I posted about Lots of Facebook Friends and Twitter Tweeters and got ready for the TGF Chat on Windows Live Messenger.

We had five chatting tonight, but Lori called at the start and I talked to her for 15 minutes while trying to type on the chat. The chat was over at 8 p.m., and I read email and blogs, answered some emails, checked Facebook, then captured some RevWar Pension File pages for Pam and emailed them to her, and explored World Vital Records databases for awhile. You can't print out complete book pages, apparently. That's frustrating! Then I wrote this post and I'm going to go watch ER at 10 p.m.

Genealogy today was 9.0 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 3.0 hours researching and writing blog posts, 1.0 hour on Facebook, 1.5 hours at the cemeteries, 0.5 hour uploading and sorting pictures, 0.5 hour on Footnote, 0.5 hour on WVR, and 1.0 hour on the TGF chat.

1 comment:

VacaGrammy said...

Shame on you randy!! EVERYONE knows to ALWAYS have extra camera batteries when going to photograph at graveyards!!! LOL