It rained overnight and I stayed home again and had a fairly full genealogy day and actually feel like I accomplished something.
After reading email and blogs, I posted Tombstone Tuesday - Elizabeth (Dill) Smith about my mystery lady, and found another fact that I had missed before. Of course, it conflicts with the other facts I I'm not sure I advanced the ball on it, but I thought about the problem even more! My computer connection went down for awhile, so I worked on my Project L client database and when it came back, I started on my Ancestry Search comparisons. I did screen captures for all four searches, put them in an OpenOffice presentation, and saved the images as JPGs in my file folder. I wrote Evaluating the Search Engines - Evaluation Criteria to introduce what I'm trying to do. Then I wrote Search Engines: - Post 1: Old Search, Exact Matches to post in the afternoon. I ate lunch , then checked email, blogs and Facebook.
In the afternoon, I answered several emails, coordinated some church work, coordinated my NSDCGS talk with the Program chair, and checked Ancestry databases. I don't know where that time went, 3:30 Linda wanted the computer so I went in and read the paper, watched TV and took my nap. We had dinner just after 5, so I was back on the computer at 6.
More email, blogs to read, Facebook to check, and I decided to work on my Genealogy Web Sites You Can Use presentation for NSDCGS on 10 March. I need to finish it by 3/24 so that the handout can be printed. I spent almost three hours working through over 100 slides - mostly screen shots. I got more than 50% done, added a few slides, deleted WebTree and FamilyHistoryLink because they don't work, and can finish it up pretty quickly. I need to find my "new" web sites to add and update my handout too. I checked email, blogs and Facebook again, and wrote this post.
Facebook crashed my Internet Explorer three times today - I dread even clicking on the link now! What a PITA! I'll reboot and seei f that helps.
Genealogy today was 9.5 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 1.0 hour creating Ancestry screen shots, 1.0 hour doing Project L database work, 2.5 hours writing blog posts, 1.0 hour on Facebook, and 3.0 hours working on my presentation.
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