Ah, another day of genealogy work - not much research, some blogging, some thinking, a lot of reading.
After reading email and blogs, I posted Tombstone Tuesday - the Blanchards. I needed to do some research on Ancestry.com to find more details, and I was still a Guest Subscriber. so I called them at 1-800-ANCESTRY and spoke to a very nice lady who fixed me up - I posted about it later. I had to go to a doctor's appointment, and after I got back, Ancestry was available, and I added a bit more to my Blanchards post. I added more information to my database about the family, and searched for descendants. I think the last one died in 1996, unfortunately.
I had lunch at my desk (bologna, cookies, apple), checked Facebook, watched Sheri's Elf dance featuring the ProGen Group D folks (minus two), then blogged about it in I'm an Elf! I quickly posted Another Ancestry.com Trial Subscription about my experiences obtaining access to my paid-for subscription. I recalled that I wanted to put some posts on the CV Genealogy Cafe blog so I wrote November 2008 Program Photo Gallery and CVGS Member and Program Surveys.
The FTM 16 boxes came with historical photos on a DVD along with a photo viewer. I installed the Smart Viewer and it slowed everything down - I never got it to work right. What a time waster - I probably spent 30 minutes waiting for something to happen. Frustrating. I decided I'd better do something useful, so I spent an hour in my database adding sources to facts and deleting the shorthand notes in the place fields. I probably did this for about 200 persons that had a VR page indicator visible in the place field. There are many more to do!
At 5 p.m., I went in and watched TV, read the paper and hoped Linda would come home. She finally did, and we had dinner, and I was back on the computer by 7 p.m. I tried to find information about genealogy advances and printed off a bunch of paper. Linda used the computer for about 30 minutes, so I read my TGSG homework article from NGSQ, and then came back to do more research and write this post.
Genealogy today was 9.0 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 0.5 hour on Facebook, 2.0 hours writing blog posts, 1.0 hour doing source citations in my database, 2.0 hours reading stuff, 1.0 hour getting Ancestry to work, 1.0 hour on the Blanchard research, and 0.5 hour on the TGSG homework.
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