I didn't do much genealogy beyond email, blogging and CVGS today.
I was on the computer by 8:30, and posted FamilySearch Research Wiki is growing before I went in to get ready to go off to the CVGS meeting. I gathered my papers and my camera and left at 10:15 to go to the UPS Store for copies of the agenda and member survey, then to McDonald's for lunch, the PO Box for mail, and then to the library. I went in early down below and we had everything set up by 12 noon when the doors opened. The meeting started at 12:25, the elections were held, and Connie introduced the speaker at about 12:55. Georgie Stillman provided an excellent program - you can read about it "Heirloom discovery Day" at CVGS with Georgie Stillman on the Chula Vista Genealogy Cafe blog.
I was home by 3 p.m. and posted Family Photographs - Post 31: WW2 dads and sons on Genea-Musings. I checked in on Facebook for awhile, before Linda decided we should go out to eat. We went to Oggi's out in Otay Ranch for pizza. We were home by 6:30, and I read the paper and watched the news for awhile. I came in and read email and blogs, then posted some jokes and my NFL Picks (not a joke...) to Randy's Busy Life. I then wrote two Thanksgiving Day posts scheduled for Thursday, and also posted my Georgie Stillman post on Genea-Musings to reach a wider audience. Then I wrote this post, and am almost done for the night.
Genealogy today was 8.0 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 0.5 hour on Facebook, 2.0 hours writing blog posts, and 4.5 hours on CVGS activities.
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