Genealogy related activity was the focus until about 2:30 p.m., when Linda came home with Lolo and Audrey - we have them until Sunday to love, feed, bathe, cherish, put to bed, and play with.
I read my email and blogs, and posted Meet the South San Diego County Graveyard Rabbit in hopes that more people might go to The Graveyard Rabbit blog and read my article there and then visit my GYR blog. I also posted Family Photographs - Charles Auble's Gravesite with pictures of a grassy spot at Mount Hope Cemetery in San Diego. Then I went off and worked on my Randy's Busy Life blog for awhile, ending with posting my NFL Picks for Week 12. I started a post on the SSDCGYR blog but didn't get it finished before I ate lunch and left for the library.
We had the CVGS Computer Group meeting today and had a full house - 13 folks frustrated that the library computers wouldn't permit access to the Family History Archive at BYU (wouldn't permit use of an .exe file) or the FamilySearch Record Search Pilot (wouldn't permit download of a Flash player) site. Big AAARRRGGGGHHHHH. The group went off to Rootsweb, and several other sites. After the meeting, I went and copied the NGSQ article for our TGSG chat on Thursday night. Now I need to read it!
I was home by 2:15, and did more work on the SSDCGYR post, but the girls came and I devoted my time to them until after bedtime (started at 7, finally asleep around 9 p.m.). I finished the SSDCGYR post that will post tomorrow, then I worked on a Family Historian post that will publish tomorrow morning, since I anticipate being with the girls most of the morning.
Genealogy today was 5.5 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 reading blogs, 0.5 hour on Facebook, 2.0 hours writing blog posts, 1.5 hours on CVGS activities, and 0.5 hour on TGSG activities.
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