We are back from our two week vacation. I posted a number of articles about our vacation travels and genealogy exploits on www.geneamusings.com starting on 22 October. We got home last night before 7 p.m., and I was in bed by 9 p.m.
I woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed at 3 a.m.... couldn't sleep - it was 7 a.m. Puerto Rico time! We got the wash done, the mail read, the papers sorted, and a start on the papers before breakfast at 5 a.m. I read my email and blogs and posted two things on Gene-Musings before 7 a.m. I even made a to-do list for the day! I managed to complete that list except for a post on the Chula Vista Genealogy Cafe blog. Tomorrow?
I worked on my presentation for Saturday with minor edits. I checked Facebook, and found the book Census Atlas of the US and started downloading that. At 11, I had lunch and went off to pick up George for our walk on the bayfront. I was home by 1, and completed downloading the census book and then posted Book: Census Atlas of the USA. Nap time.
I was back at 3 p.m., and started reading my ProGen chapter and creating a research plan for the homework. I added a photo album for our vacation to Facebook and sent an email about it. This took until 5 p.m. when I went in to watch the news. We ate dinner at 6:30, and I watched the NFL game until almost 8, since Linda had email to finish. I called Ed to try to set up a phone call for Sunday.
At 8, I jumped into the ProGen chat led by Sheri and we IMed until almost 9:30. I checked email and blogs, and found a book about 30,000 German immigrants to PA in 1727-1776, which I downloaded from the LDS BYU Family Archive site. Then this post and I'm going to watch ER then go to bed.
Genealogy today was 10.0 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 2.0 hours blogging, 1.0 hour on Facebook, 2.0 hours on the Census book, 0.5 hour on the BYU book, 2.0 hours on the ProGen homework and 1.5 hours on the ProGen chat.
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