Ah, a day with genealogy is to be savored... I'll take a Dove ice cream bar with that ahnentafel, please!
I was awake early worrying about the damn Genealogy Password game mechanics - I got it figured out, though. Checked my email and blogs, then edited the game rules and added more words, cut out the strips, got everything together and I was ready to go at 9 a.m. I blogged for awhile - posted my Family Photographs- Post 20 and checked Facebook, then read my politics forums. At 10:15 I left for the post office box, the Subway shop and the Elks Lodge. I set up my stuff as people were arriving. We started our meeting at 11:20, had lunch and started the game at about noon. It went just OK - the logistics were not great, unfortunately. We had our opportunity drawings and closed the meeting down at about 1:30. I stayed for awhile talking to several members, and was home at 2 pm.
I had a headache for some reason, and posted about the Corona Gen Society program on 25 October, then wrote up the Genealogy Password summary and posted it on the Chula Vista Genealogy Cafe. Bad headache now, a migraine coming on? I went in and took a nap, but didn't sleep well because of the headache. I took some Excedrin, watched TV, read the paper, had dinner, put out the trash, and came back to the computer at 6:30. The headache went away - thank goodness!
I posted about the Letters found in the trash in Grass Valley CA, then decided to work on burning down my email list - I answered 8 emails, five of them with genealogy data, opened my databases, added information gleaned from the emails and web sites I visited, etc. When I was done, I posted about my fun evening with my email correspondents in It Pays to Post... Back to Facebook for awhile - I uploaded some photos from this past month with the grandkids. Then this post to wrap up the night.
Genealogy today was a glorious 10.0 hours!!! Most in awhile. 1.5 hours doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 2.0 hours writing blog posts, 4.0 hours on CVGS picnic and game, 1.0 hour doing research and entering info into FTM16, and 1.0 hour on Facebook.
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