Saturday, August 16, 2008

Genealogy Journal - 08/16/08

Saturday was a pretty typical genealogy summer day - some research, some blogging, a society meeting, and a baseball game.

I was up early, and on the computer by 7:30 a.m. After reading email and blogs, I posted about the CVGS Discover Your Family History seminar scheduled for 18 October, then checked Facebook quickly. I packed up my laptop and left at 8:15 a.m. for the CGSSD meeting in La Jolla - it's a 30 minute drive and a 5 minute walk to the meeting. I was there early, and talked to Pam about RootsMagic and then went to Lance's FTM class at 9 a.m. I had MSWord open taking notes, FTM 2006 open and FTM 2008 open to try to follow along and offer suggestions when I could. There are several in the class like me - we have our data on FTM 2006 and are pondering if we should switch to FTM 2008. No good conclusion yet! After the break at 10:10, we gathered for the speaker program at 10:30. Keith McCarty was the speaker about, which he presented extremely well - using the wireless Internet connection. I took notes longhand (the laptop wouldn't shut down or come up - frustrating). I talked to him for a bit after the meeting, too. I was home by 12:45 p.m., had lunch and went in to the genealogy cave.

After checking email and blogs, I posted about the Severed Arm and Hand Mystery news conference. Then I summarized the presentation and my own thoughts about using After checking Facebook, I registered my FTM 2008 and then fought with the Help section to try to activate my additional Ancestry subscription. I finally sent them an email asking for help - I'll probably get it next week! The FTM 2008 Web Search works on both the laptop and the desktop machines (I really should name them, eh?). I decided I'd better send my friend Ed an email about the research I've done for him the last two weeks, so I composed an email and attached several census images for him. It wasn't a formal client report - more of a status report with results listed and tentative conclusions drawn. Finally, I checked Facebook again before going in at 4:30 p.m. to try to nap.

I didn't get a nap, and we left at about 4:50 p.m. for the trolley to go to the Padres game. We ate at the Tin Fish downtown, then it's an easy walk up escalators in the Omni Hotel to the gate on the Field level. It was a long game - finished at 10 p.m., but we won 8-3 over the Phillies. We were home by 10:50. I checked email and blogs, wrote this post and I'm off to bed real soon.

Genealogy today was 8.0 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 1.5 hours writing blog posts, 0.5 hour on Facebook, 1.0 hour registering FTM and fighting Ancestry Help, 3.0 hours at the CGSSD meeting, and 1.0 hour writing my research report.

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