Saturday, July 26, 2008

Genealogy Journal - 07/26/08

I stayed home today after breakfast out in order to catch up on my email and things.

We were up early for a 7 a.m. breakfast at Carrow's with Linda's swim club. I was home by 8:30, and read my email and blogs, and had nothing to write about, so I posted the Everton's Genealogical Helper Table of Contents for the July-August issue. I read more of the magazine during this process (it turns out that I saved it but didn't read much of it). Oh well. I wonder what else I have on my hard drive but haven't read thoroughly? Aha - what about Ancestry Magazine? The last one I have on my hard drive is March - and they published in May and July also. But their archives page doesn't have the complete magazine, only the articles. It says they're revising their archives. OK, I'll wait.

One of the articles in EGH was about, which I had not visited before. I registered for free, and explored the site, creating a presentation for future use in OpenOffice. Then I wrote up a summary in Genes Reunited web site - UK Research. Lunch, oreos, banana.

I have let my email pile up - the databases on Ancestry generate several inquiries each week. I tried to burn these down this afternoon - I made some genealogy reports and sent them off to correspondents in hopes that they can add to them or correct them. I prepared most of the Best of the Genea-blogs post for tomorrow so that I can participate in the Scanfest chat with Miriam and the gang from whenever I get home to 2 p.m. At 3:30, I went in to watch news, read the paper, take a nap, and watch the Padres game (they won 9-6). We had dinner late, and I watered the front plants before coming back to the computer at 7 p.m. I received an email responding to a 2006 message board post that gave me a database on WorldConnect for a cemetery in Iowa, so I checked it out and corrected several dates in my Dalseth/Simes/Wells/Baldwin database (done for a friend in 2006). I found a good quote for Wheel of Genealogy Fortune and posted it. I'm going to go check Facebook for awhile, and go read my book for awhile.

Genealogy today was 7.5 hours - 0.5 hour reading email, 2.0 hours researching and sending email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 2.5 hours researching and writing blog posts, 1.0 hour in magazines, and 1.0 hour in WorldConnect and my database.

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