I had an all-genealogy day today, except for the two hours spent moving stuff around to get ready for the Window guys on Thursday. I have the access to the windows in the three back bedrooms cleared enough. I also helped Linda clear some stuff in our bedroom.
I was on the computer by 8 a.m., and after reading my email and blogs, I played with Wordle and posted "Wordle - Be Creative." I saved the input words and the screen captures in an OpenOffice presentation file. I worked in Legacy Family Tree for awhile trying to make the Age at Death list using the helps from my readers - finally posting "Can Your Software Do This? - Series 3: Legacy Family Tree." I ended up with Blogger and Legacy open side-by-side as I tried to capture all of the key strokes and check-offs.
After lunch, I noticed that footnoteMaven had uncovered the Dialectizer site, so I wrote the "Enea-Musingsgay" post just for fun. Then I got down to serious business and worked on the list of places to place CVGS seminar publicity, and then on a draft of the press release. I also worked on the price list of CVGS services for our web site. I worked on the genealogy news for the month to send out on Wednesday to CVGS members. Finally, I posted "Online Immigration and Naturalization Web Sites" on the Chula Vista Genealogy Cafe blog.
I moved stuff away from the windows until dinner time, and after dinner I helped Linda in our bedroom until the Padres game came on (we won, 10-1). I read the latest Family Tree Magazine while watching the game - they didn't name Genea-Musings one of the Top 101 - note to self: try harder! At 9:45, I came in, read my email and blogs, corrected the LFT post a bit, and wrote this post.
Genealogy today was 9.0 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 2.0 hours researching and writing blog posts, 1.5 hours working in Legacy Family Tree, 2.0 hours playing with Wordle and Dialectizer (bad boy!), and 2.5 hours doing CVGS work.
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