Thursday, June 5, 2008

Genealogy Journal - 06/05/08

The genealogy day ended abruptly because we went to the Padres game, leaving at 5 pm. Up until then, it was pretty much all genealogy (and lunch).

I was on the computer by 9 a.m., and quickly read my email and blogs and posted "Legacy Family Tree 7.0 Released" and then " 'Following the Path of Your German Ancestors' on Saturday, 7 June." I worked for an hour or more in Legacy Family Tree 7.0 again, exploring different chart and report options. I received several invites to become Friends on Facebook so I read several of the pages of these newfound "friends." I watched Megan's videos about unclaimed persons on and became enthusiastic about helping out, so I signed up to participate in it after checking out the web site - over 2,000 on the list! I also sent out some CVGS emails about our October seminar.

I spent several hours doing some non-genealogy work, including starting to sort out books to keep and books to donate (not genealogy, mind you - I fear they are the glue that keeps the genealogy cave together). Then I posted "Want to help find Unclaimed Persons families?" I went in at 4 p.m. to rest, read the paper and watch the news, but didn't get a nap. We left at 5 for the Padres game and didn't get home until almost 11 p.m. (we won, 2-1, though).

Genealogy today was only 5.5 hours - 0.5 hour reading email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 1.5 hours writing blog posts, 0.5 hour on CVGS issues, 1.0 hour in Legacy 7, and 1.5 hours on Unclaimed Persons.

The expected newspaper article featuring CVGS didn't come out today, but I heard from the reporter that it will be out on Saturday.

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