This was a different genealogy day. I did a lot of genealogy related tasks, but didn't do any research of my own.
I was on the computer reading email and blogs by 8:30 am, and posted my Wednesday Family Photographs, then the SDGS Saturday program article. I got all of my CVGS Board material together in preparation for the meeting at noon. I read my news and politics sites, then had lunch and went to the Post Office before going to the library.
At the library, the meeting started at noon and I coughed my way through it - several gave me lozenges to stop the coughing, but I was real hoarse. We were done by 1:30 and I hightailed it home, read my email and blogs, did a little research and posted about the FamilySearch Record Search screens. Then it was time for the Padres game and dinner.
I had to leave by 5:30 pm to go to Lemon Grove to fill in for Susi in her genealogy group. There were six people, each with unsolvable problems (it seemed that way, anyway). I talked about FamilySearch Record Search, using the FHL Catalog and renting microfilms, and using cluster genealogy techniques to solve thorny research problems. I'm not sure how much sank in because of my throat problems. They were very nice and thanked me for my help.
I was home just before 8 pm, which was good because that was the start time for my ProGen Study Group chat. There were six of us and the comments were hot and heavy at times. It was enjoyable to "talk" to five new "friends" online even though we couldn't see or hear each other. The subject was interesting too. It ended at about 9:30, and I read my email and blogs before writing this post and calling it a night.
Genealogy today was about 8.5 hours - 1.0 hour reading email (the mail lists were heavy tonight), 0.5 hour reading blogs, 1.5 hours writing blog posts, 2.0 hours on CVGS related activities, 2.0 hours on Susi's Lemon Grove group, and 1.5 hours on the ProGen chat.
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