Another day in the genealogy jungle doing semi-random things...
I was on the computer by 8:15 a.m., and read my email and Bloglines. I did some research on Alexa before posting "Free Genealogy Database Site Traffic." Then I did more research about social networking sites to try to get a complete list. At 11 a.m., I got ready to go to lunch (McDonald's - 6 nuggets, 3 choc chip cookies, choc shake, yum!) and my walk on the bayfront with George (from Goodrich, where I used to work). On the way back I stopped by the library and turned in my overdue book, and got gas ($3.53/gallon).
I was home by 1:30 p.m. and read my email and blogs, then posted "Genealogy social Networking Sites". I downloaded and read the May 2008 issue of Internet Genealogy, and found that Jasia's blog and the Carnival of Genealogy were written up, so I blogged about that also. By this time, I figured I'd done enough blog damage and I really needed to do something genea-useful. So I found the Carringer family letters and transcribed four of them. I made advance posts on Genea-Musings for over the weekend. I was tired, so I watched some TV and took a nap before dinner.
After dinner, I was on the computer by 7, and decided to look at Rootsweb and see how many functions had been put on the Ancestry domain. More than yesterday, I think. I updated the four research problem forms based on the edits from the researchers, then did some looking on ancestry to try to solve some of them. They're difficult problems - that's why they haven't been solved! OK, I'm done after posting this.
Genealogy today was 10.0 hours - 1.0 hour reading and writing emails, 1.5 hours reading blogs, 2.0 hours writing blog posts, 1.5 hours researching social networks and traffic, 2.0 hours transcribing letters, and 2.0 hours working on CVGS research problems.
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