This was a different and frustrating genealogy day - not much researching going on, just reading, writing and listening.
I got on the computer and read my email at about 8:30 a.m., and posted "Letters from home - Post 4" on Genea-Musings. Then I read Bloglines and got ready to go out. I left at 9:45 and went to the FHC in Mission Valley. I got on the computer there, and they've messed up all of the links...I finally figured out where the Favorites were, and checked WorldVitalRecords - nope, not logged in. Godfrey Library - not logged in. Acestry - works fine. HQO - works fine. Footnote - logged in, OK, great. But then the images take so long to load and save to my flash drive, I got frustrated after everything froze up after I waited 5 minutes for an image to save. I complained to the desk about WVR and Godfrey and the guy said they just changed the operating systems this week and probably haven't put the right password in yet for those sites. Argggh. I spent a half hour reading the BIGRA newsletter and puttering about before going off to the SDGS meeting.
The SDGS meeting started at 12 noon, and Beth McCarty gave two presentations. I won one of the prizes even - a book I don't need, so will donate it to CVGS. I headed for home and was reading email at 3:15. Sleepy - I went and napped, read the paper, then came back to the computer at 5 p.m. and wrote up the first McCarty talk here. Then the dinner call came in and I watched TV for awhile. I was back at the computer at 6:30 and after reading email and Bloglines I posted the second McCarty talk summary here. Terry wants bloggers to write limericks related to blogging so I spent an hour or more trying to rhyme meaningless words... I'm tired and don't want to do anything more but read my spy book.
Genealogy today was 7.5 hours - 1.0 hour reading email and Bloglines, 1.5 hours blogging, 1.5 hour at the FHC not researching, 2.5 hours at the SDGS meeting, and 1.0 hour not writing genealogy limericks. Maybe I'll think of something in the shower tomorrow, or listening to the sermon.
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