This was another day dedicated almost exclusively to genealogy activities, but I barely advanced the "ball" on any of my major projects.
In the morning, I read my email and Bloglines, posted my Advent memory for tomorrow, and got ready for my CVGS meeting. I wanted to take my Union Case photos to share, but I can't find them anywhere I think I put them. Argggh. I left at 10 AM, taking my cookie tin to share for dessert, my container of delicious chocolates for someone to pick off the gift table, my briefcase and my "boards" - the large CVGS advertising posters. I got to the South Chula Vista Library, and took everything in. The food people were busy getting things started, and people started to come in before the 11 AM start time. As people came in, they signed in, we gave them a door prize ticket, we sold raffle tickets for the gift exchange, they put their gifts on the table, and they put the Salvation Army donations on the floor below the gift table. We ended up with 31 in attendance, and a fun time was had by all.
We started the meeting at 11:20, with a brief welcome to make sure everybody had tickets. I passed out the "Days and Times" survey (because the library killed all of our meeting days and times) to everybody and they filled them out. Then it was time to eat, and everybody loaded up their plates with salad, ham, turkey, cranberry, potatoes, vegetables, rolls and everything else.
At about 12:15, I started the meeting with a thank you to the kitchen staff and the cooks, then thanked everybody who has served on the Board this year. We had our door prize drawings (a large St. Nicholas doll, a large stand-up angel, a reindeer basket of goodies, and three poinsettia plants). Then it was time for the gift drawings - and that took quite some time even with no "stealing." Finally, we had the member sharing of their best finds, trips and stories for 2007. Ten people shared, including me. We then auctioned off the ham bone and the remaining turkey roll, and then adjourned with many shouts of "Merry Christmas" and "Ho Ho Ho."
I went off to my therapy at 2:30, but was home just after 3. I read my email and Bloglines, and answered several emails on queries and questions. I called a person in Massachusetts who left a query message on our voicemail the other day - she wants info on a tomb in Glen Abbey Cemetery. Then I posted this weeks Della's Journal on Genea-Musings. That took me up to 5 PM and dinner.
After dinner, I checked email and Bloglines again, and researched a response to a query about San Diego County marriage data, and emailed the queryist. The APG list has been discussing Wikipedia, so I posted info on the improvement of the Genealogy article on Wikipedia here. I decided I'd better collate my Family Journal ,so I did that for awhile, then stuffed the envelopes with the Journal and our Christmas letter. I ran out of letters, so I printed off 18 more (one side, I'll do the other side tomorrow), but had to change the color ink cartridge in the middle of it. Then I tried to get on Ancestry and look at some research items, but every database I chose I got the "Error Processing Request" message. I've been getting more of these lately, I wonder what's wrong? Frustrated, I decided to write this up and go finish reading my recently arrived New England Ancestors magazine.
Genealogy today was 11.0 hours - 1.5 hours blogging, 4.5 hours on CVGS activities, 3.0 hours on email and Bloglines, 1.0 hour doing research, and 1.0 hours on the Journal and letter. A busy day, but no real progress on finding new information on my ancestors or making CDs of the photo albums.
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