Tuesday, 31 October 2007 (cooler, cloudy, no wind, a free day for genealogy):
8:00 AM: Read email and Bloglines. Arlene and Steve are on the road - reminds me of my trips. Write Genea-Musings post on "Genealogy road trips."
9:00 AM: Answer several emails. Research a query submitted to CVGS - go search San Diego county probate index and deed index. No luck there. Checked the San Diego Union-Tribune for a 1997 obituary - nope, they start in 2000. I'll have to go to the library to find the obituary.
9:30 AM: I opened my FTM database, and decided to see what I have for my RevWar Loyalist William Hutchinson, and try to find out how he got to New Brunswick and Ontario. I found that I had already captured notes from a WorldConnect database with lots of information form published books. I reviewed all of these and edited my notes - giving credit to the database owner and keeping the book citations. I added data for the children and their spouses of William and Catherine (Lewis) Hutchinson. Are there web sites for Loyalist information? Yep - I found several - some stuff on WmHutch too. Then I wrote the post "William Hutchinson (1745-1826) Family History - Part 1" on Genea-Musings. He was a really interesting guy! These notes will provide blog fodder for quite a while! Lunch time.
1:00 PM: Back at it - checked email and Bloglines. I still have to enter more data on the ancestry of Cornelia Bresee that I found back in the spring and summer. I'm pretty sure of the Bresee line from all of the Dutch church records in the Hudson River valley - it all hangs together well. I had found data on two of the maternal lines - the Van Deusen and Dyckman families, but not on the Scism family. The Dyckman data in the 1988 book by Marjorie Chamberlain is excellent - well sourced and very complete. I entered the vital records data and summarized the notes for four generations. Good stuff. Where did the time go? It's 5 PM - time for O'Reilly and dinner.
6:30 PM: Checked email and Bloglines. Wrote the "Testing 411.com to Find Living People" post on Genea-Musings. Printed out an ahnentafel report for Cornelia Bresee. I thought I could find something funny about haunted houses or cemetery apparitions in the historic newspapers - but I didn't find a lot of useful blog material. There were lots of long stories, but few short stories suitable for a blog post. Wasted a lot of time, I guess.
10:00 PM: I'm done...check my blog statistics and then go wash the dishes, read my book, watch the news. Yawn.
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