All genealogy, all day, almost!
I was up early because I had to leave by 7:15 a.m. in order to go in the carpool to the Family History Fair in Escondido. I managed to read my email before I left the house. I wrote the Resolving an Evidence Conflict - Post 2: The Evidence and Saturday Night Fun last night and scheduled them for this morning and afternoon. We had 7 in the carpool - Gary and Susi drove. We got there at about 8:10, got our registration packets and went to the Exhibit Hall to set up the table. John was there and had everything ready to go. We talked to some of the other exhibitors and folks that walked by before going into the Chapel for the Keynote talk by Leland Meitzler. After that, I heard Barbara Renick and went back to hear Leland again before lunch. After lunch, I heard Tom Underhill and Jean Hibben's talks. I spent an hour talking to Leland about blogging and genealogy and politics - fun. We left at 4:45 and I was home by 5:40 p.m. I took Linda out to dinner at Daphne's and had dessert at ColdStone. We were home by 7 p.m.
I checked email, read blogs, checked in on Twitter and Facebook, then posted Escondido Family History Fair Summary. I printed off the final CVGS newsletter pages and am ready to go to the publishing party on Sunday. Then I wrote the Best of the Genea-Blogs post for Sunday afternoon, since I have to do the CVGS newsletter publishing tomorrow.
Genealogy today was 12.5 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 0.5 hour on T/FB, 9.0 hours at the Family History Fair, and 2.0 hours writing blog posts.
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