This was a stay-at-home genealogy day, no nap for a change, and lots of genea-fun.
* Dropped Linda at the Y, home to read, picked her up, and went to the grocery store, home by 9:45 a.m.
* Noted that 1719 Birth Record for Nathan Reed (1719-1802) in Woburn, Mass. - Post 377 of Treasure Chest Thursday posted, and wrote Dear Randy: What Does Your Typical Genealogy Month Include? and set it for later. Added to the Best Of post and answered emails.
* Went in at noon to eat lunch, read the paper, and watch the end of the Padres game. Pads lost to the Reds 10-3, so now 50-64 on the season and 2-5 on the road trip and going to L.A.
* Online at 12:45 p.m. to read, worked on the table of Nathan Reed deeds, then wrote Where in the World is "Elsabeth" Brook? Crowdsourcing Works! Checked Twitter and Facebook. TreeShared the RootsMagic database.
* Went in at 5:30 p.m. to eat dinner, washed dishes and watch TV news.
* Online at 6:30 p.m. to read, worked on the Nathan Reed deed events in RootsMagic, worked on the profile notes and sources, and wrote the 52 Ancestors post for Friday.
* Down a rabbit hole because a reader sent a Seaver marriage article - I figured out who she was and added her and a brother to the database, plus a daughter. That was fun!
* Checked Facebook, added to the Best Of post, and wrote this post. Genealogy today was 11 hours.
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