Saturday, March 19, 2016

My Semi-Genealogy Saturday - 19 March 2016

Why do I have a funny feeling that I missed something today?  Oh well, someone will let me know if I did.  The cold is better and I'm not as tired, but still on the meds.

*  Left at 7:45 a.m. for breakfast with the church men's group at Marie Callender's, home by 9:30 a.m.

*  Read email and blogs, then wrote Surname Saturday -- KIRTLAND (England to colonial New England) and Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - What Were You Doing in 1995?

*  Decided I'd better work on balancing the checkbook and getting ready to do the taxes.  Found all of the papers, and worked until 3 p.m.  I'm ready to do taxes now!

*  Online to read, check Facebook, then worked on the Thomas Dill search - found probate record images on Ancestry.

*  Went in at 4 p.m. to watch basketball, nap in the recliner, read the paper, and eat dinner.

*  Online at 7 p.m. to look for Dill deeds in Middlesex County, Mass. on FamilySearch.  Found some, downloaded them, renamed them, and put them in the Dill file folder.

*  Worked in Ancestry Hints - resolved another 118, only 31,895 to go!  Found Jabez Snow's 1760 will and saved it!

*  Added to the Best Of post, and wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 5.5 hours.

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