* Read email and blogs, wrote Linda Honored for Church Service -- Post 380 of (Not So) Wordless Wednesday and then FamilySearch Introduces Searching on Largest Genealogy Websites - Post 1: FamilySearch Matches and set it for later.
* Left at 11:10 a.m. for McDonalds for lunch, the library for a book, and to Bonita library for the CVGS meeting. Met Christine and Pat who attended.
* Home by 3 p.m. to read, then took a nap. Checked Facebook. Researched and wrote Found: 1906 Death of Charles Woodward in Topeka, Kansas.
* Went in for dinner, then worked a bit on finding Charlie's death article before having dessert and watering the front plants. Watched the Padres game and read my book - Pads lost 5-0, so now 73-85, that's 19 shutouts. Terrible season.
* Online at 10:10 p.m. to add to the Best Of list, answer email and write this post. Genealogy today was 8.5 hours.
Here are the numbers from my RootsMagic database as of 30 September (with increases in the numbers from 31 August in parentheses):
* 45,033 persons (+ 68)
* 18,026 families (+ 31)
* 142,351 events (+ 283)
* 8,537 places (+ 55)
* 1,275 sources (+ 22)
* 65,244 citations (+ 523)
* 1,119 Multi-media Items (+ 0)
* 2,988 Multimedia links (- 1)
* 8,029 matched to FSFT (+ 181)
I'm up to 45.83% (+0.27%) for citations/events and 144.88% (+0.94%) for citations/persons.
Genea-Musings statistics for September (compared to stats for August):
* Genea-Musings traffic rank: Worldwide: 331,312; US: 88,530 (Alexa)
* 79,135 page views (2,638 per day, Blogger Stats, - 938)
* 32,572 page views ( 1,086 per day, Statcounter, + 22 )
* 24,438 unique visitors (815 per day, Statcounter, +4)
* >1,200 readers on Feedly (+??)
* 1,796 readers via email (Feedburner) (+ 39)
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