This post 2001 on The Geneaholic - I've been genea-journaling for over six years now. It was cooler today, a high only in the mid-80s, and much more bearable in the genea-cave, although the fan is still running right by my side.
* Read email and blogs, and wrote Technology Tuesday - MyHeritage App - Family Photos and then We're Going Cruising on 29 November to 6 December Out Of Los Angeles and set it for later.
* Sent the syllabus material off to Paul. Answered some email. Checked Facebook. Added to the Best Of post. Checked my AncestryDNA page. Edited some of the Genea-Musings pages to update presentations.
* Answered more email, and did some research for Bente and Charlotte and Shawn.
* Did some more research on Joseph T. Seaver. Made some reports for JTS and sent them to Shawn. Wrote Attacking a Seaver Relationship Problem - Parents of Joseph T. Seaver (1805-????).
* Went in to watch the Dodgers game at 4:45, we ate dinner and watched TV news.
* Online at 6:15 p.m. to read, then worked in the database for awhile randomly...adding content and sources using Ancestry, FamilySearch and Find A Grave. Source up to 54,846.
* Went in at 8 p.m. to watch Finding Your Roots, then washed the dishes and watched the end of the Giants game.
* Online at 9:30 p.m. to read, write this post, check Facebook. Genealogy today was 10.0 hours.
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