Monday, October 6, 2014

My Geneaholic Monday - 6 October 2014

Finally, an all-day genealogy day.

*  Read email and blogs, noted that Amanuensis Monday - Post 238: 1871 Deed of Land in Taylor County, Iowa from Devier and Abbie Smith to A.H. Owens posted.

*  Joined the Mondays With Myrt HOA but didn't get a chance to give much information.  Worked in Ancestry a bit chasing down info for Bente.  Failed.

*  Researched and wrote More Ways to Search on - Using AMT Persons.

*  Printed off the CVGS Newsletter and mail labels, and went to the UPS Store to publish it.  Rewarded myself at McDonalds with an ice cream cone.  Heck, nobody else will!  

*  Home at 2:30 p.m. to read, then wrote New or Updated Collections at Family Search - September 28 to October 4, 2014.

*  Watched several HOAs with DearMYRTLE and Cousin Russ trying to catch up.  Found some obits on GenBank and transcribed them and added source citations.

*  Went in at 5 p.m. to watch TV news, eat dinner, water the front yard, read the paper, and do the dishes.  

*  Online at 6:30 p.m. to read, add to the Best Of post, and practice the Probate talk and edit the talk and the handout again.  Good thing I checked, handout got messed up somehow.  Took awhile to fix it.  I hate when that happens.  

*  Went looking for Find A Grave entries for the Schaffner and McKnew lines - added about 50 sources.

*  Checked Facebook, wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 11.0 hours.

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