Wednesday, July 24, 2013

My Genealogy Wednesday - 24 July 2013

It was pretty much an all genealogy day again (I love those!), except for the Padres game.

*  Read email and blogs, wrote (Not So) Wordless Wednesday - Post 266: My Mother's 1942 Picture and then worked in RootsMagic merging and editing place names.  That took awhile - over 6,500 of them!  I'm sure I missed some, but I caught a lot of duplicates and outright errors.

*  Wrote Using the Correspondence List in RootsMagic.  Had lunch, then went to the library to look in on the CVGS Computer Group I(only 4 there), and got a Michael Palmer book to read.

*  Home by 1:15 p.m. to read, then researched and wrote Finding Henry Carringer's Land Patents, and Location, in Cheyenne County, Kansas.  Added some of the land patents to the atabase as Facts, sources and Media.  Checked Facebook, then worked in the database adding sources and content.

*  Went in at 5 p.m. to watch the Padres game, read the paper, eat dinner, read my Stephen Coonts book, put out the trash, water the front plants and wash the dishes.  Pads lost 3-1 to the Brewers, so now 45-57 (won 3 of 5).

*  Online at 8 p.m. to read, then worked in the database adding sources and content.  Added to the Best Of post, and wrote this post.

Genealogy today was 10.0 hours.

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