This was almost an all-genealogy day...better than yesterday.
* Read email and blogs, researched and wrote Tuesday's Tip: Use Princeton Public Library Links to Find Digital Archival Records.
* Answered some emails - found out that I missed an August deadline for my FORUM column - completely forgot about it! Drat. Scrambled to find a topic and hope to get it done by Friday.
* Did online research in GenealogyBank for Jeanne, my CVGS colleague. Found some articles in San Diego papers for her. Corrected a Genea-Musings article, and wrote A probate puzzle, or someone actually reads my posts.
* Created an Amanuensis Monday Page on Genea-Musings, and then modified the blog layout - let's see if anyone notices!! Need to do a Tuesday's Tip and Treasure Chest Thursday list too.
* Got into NEHGS site, renewed my membership, and downloaded last two NEGHRs. Read them, then wrote Catching Up with the New England Historical And Genealogical Register (NEHGR).
* Added content and sources to the database for the Fairbank family. Need to do more.
* Went in at 5:30 p.m. for dinner, read the paper, do the dishes, and then cut the front lawn and watered the plants. Back in at 6:50 p.m. to have my ice cream, cool off, watch the Padres game , put out the bug attractors, and read my book. Pads lost 3-2 to the Snakes. Drat.
* Online again at 9:10 p.m. to read, answer email, check Facebook, add to the Best Of post and write this post.
Genealogy today was 9.5 hours.
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