Monday, July 19, 2010

Randy's Genealogy Day - 19 July 2010

A pretty full genealogy day - and got some tasks done. Need to work on the Sunday presentation, though!

* Read email, blogs and Twitter and posted Amanuensis Monday - Josiah Sawtell 1804 NH Deed and wrote Randy's Speaking in the OC on Wednesday, 21 July and set it for late morning.

* Got cleaned up, answered some email, and had lunch before going off to the library at 11 a.m.

* Saw John, Gary and Mary Lou at the library - did my query in the Chula Vista newspapers, checked the circulating genealogy collection, and was home after 1 p.m.

* Read everything, started back on the FamilySearch presentation - got a lot done. Need to add more, and highlight features. Probably have 60% of it done now, but don't have any handout material yet.

* Linda called at 5:30 p.m., and we ate at Rubio's. Was home by 7 p.m., but Linda on computer until almost 8 p.m.

* Read everything, sorted sent email into folders, looked at some LDS videos, wrote England Beginning Research Series on, wrote 50% Off subscription for CVGS Members , New or Updated Record Databases - July 2010 and another blog post. Did a little online research on Ancestry, then wrote this post.

Genealogy today was 11.0 hours - 1.5 hours doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 3.0 hours writing blog posts, 1.5 hours at CV library, 3.5 hours working on presentation, 1.0 hour doing online research.

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