I was up early today, and on the computer by 7:30 a.m. I read my email and blogs, checked in on Facebook, and posted Family Photographs - Post 42: Lyle in 1908 which had some interesting costumes in it. I wrote the Joel Weintraub post and set it for the afternoon. I went in and got cleaned up, and when I came back I signed up for the Family History Fair on 7 March and printed off some information about it, then wrote a post to publish on Friday about it. I checked Ancestry.com, and noted several new US content databases, and checked each of them to see if there was something useful. My Project M has a Confederate Civil War soldier and his Pension application was in the Georgia database just put up today. I printed off the five pages for show-and-tell. I gathered up all my papers for the Research Group and headed out at 11:40 a.m.
I got to the library, and the Research Group meeting started at 12:05. We had 13 today including three guests. The meeting lasted until 2, and I stayed another hour to talk to Kathleen about the newsletter. I stopped at the drug store for a Valentine's Day card and was home by 3:45. I sent the Genealogy News email off to the CVGS email list, then posted it on the Chula Vista Genealogy Cafe blog. I wrote the Research Group Summary and posted it also. At 5, I went in to read the paper and we took our elderly neighbors out to dinner at Panera Bread at 5:30 p.m.. We were home by 7:15 p.m.
I checked email, blogs, Twitter and Facebook, then posted Genealogy News Summary and CVGS Research Group Report on Genea-Musings. I realized that tomorrow is Abe Lincoln's birthday - am I related to him? YES!!! Cool. I wrote a post that will publish just after midnight tonight about my cousinhood relationship with Honest Abe. That's enough for tonight - this post and I'm done!
Genealogy today was 9.0 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 3.0 hours researching and writing blog posts, 0.5 hour on T/FB, 0.5 hour on new Ancestry databases, and 4.0 hours on CVGS activities.
We're off to Disneyland in the morning to celebrate Lolo's 4th birthday, so The Geneaholic will be dark for at least one night. We should be home on Friday night.
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