This was an interesting day - a useful phone call, a minor emergency, and some searching for ancestors.
I was on the computer by 8 a.m., and read my email, blogs and checked in on Facebook. I posted my Tombstone Tuesday post, then got cleaned up for the day. I had a 10 a.m. telephone call with Tony from to talk about search engines and techniques. That lasted an hour - I gave him my impressions of old and new search, and "how I do it." After that, I decided to test old vs. new and exact vs. ranked on one person - and put some screens in an OO presentation for use in Genea-Musings posts. I ate lunch on the computer, and wrote Testing different search engines - my perspective. Then I started compiling the monthly Genealogy News for CVGS. The computer froze once and IE crashed twice today, so I did a full scan with MacAfee and it found no problems. Frustrating...
Linda came home after 2 p.m. having injured her foot. After awhile, she called the doctor and we went down to Urgent Care for an X-ray. It's not broken, just bruised, but she's supposed to keep it stabilized and stay off it (sure she will!). We went to Rubio's for dinner and were home by 5:30. At 6, I came in and finished my Genealogy News report and decided to write something for the Smile for the Camera carnival due today - so I wrote All dressed up. Then I wrote an email to my client summarizing my findings on Project P. At 9, I looked for a good Search candidate for comparison between A, HQO, F and FSRS. I have several candidates, but how to choose the one that doesn't penalize one or another for indexing errors? I figured out that my screens can't be used because they are 1870 and not 1860, and I couldn't find the family I was using in the 1860 census. Arrgghhh. Finally, this post.
Genealogy today was 9.5 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 2.0 hours writing blogs, 3.0 hours on Ancestry Search, 1.0 on F/FSRS search, 0.5 hour on T/FB, and 2.0 hours on Project P.
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