This has been one of the busiest and most productive genealogy months in a long time. The highlight was my five day trip to Salt Lake City to visit the TGN offices and staff, meet many notable genealogists, and research for two days at the Family History Library.
I was up real early today because we had to leave before 7 a.m. for the swim club breakfast. This is Linda's swim club, not mine - she swims in water, I swim in ancestry! We took Lolo with us and she ate like a champ - but then felt sick from three pancakes with butter, whipped cream and syrup, with some bacon thrown in. We were home by 8:45, and I packed up for the CVGS Research Trip to the San Diego FHC. I left at 9:15 and 10 of us left the CV parking garage at 9:40 to car pool to the FHC.
We got there just after 10 a.m., and the staff was delighted that a large group showed up, but were a little concerned that they would need lots of hand-holding. That was my job, of course. I gave a 20 minute briefing on the FHC holdings, with emphasis on the free subscription databases on the computer system. Almost everyone spent the four hours on the computer. I will probably post about this on the Chula Vista Genealogy Cafe blog on Sunday. We left at 2:15 and I was home by 3 p.m.
I had an hour on the computer while the girls were sleeping, and posted Are There Genealogy Research Aids in Spanish? and checked in on Facebook. and then the kids woke up, Tami packed up, and their friends came over, and they left for dinner and then home. We enjoyed this visit, and Tami was able to get quite a bit done on her dissertation. I took a short nap in my chair, and then Linda and I went out to dinner to Cafe Lamaze in National City. We were home by 7 p.m. I worked awhile on Linda's church lists, then posted Saturday Night Fun, and worked on a FamilySearch traffic post for Sunday morning. Then I wrote this post and I'm done for the night.
Genealogy today was 7.5 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 1.5 hours writing blog posts, 0.5 hour on Facebook, and 4.5 hours at the FHC on the Research trip.
Sunday is the Super Bowl. The game intrigues me because Arizona has a good offense and Pittsburgh a great defense. I think it will be Steelers 30, Arizona 24.
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