Monday, March 2, 2020

Genea-Journal - Monday, 2 March 2020

I'm back from RootsTech and ready to roll.  It seemed easier this time, perhaps because I didn't walk as much (didn't have Linda to push in the wheelchair) and took Trax to the hotel.  I averaged about 9,000 steps from Wednesday to Saturday, or about 3 miles each day. 

My exploits at RootsTech are on Genea-Musings - see:

*  Randy's RootsTech Recap - Day 1 (Wednesday) (29 February 2020)
*  Randy's RootsTech Recap - Day 2 (Thursday) (29 February 2020)
*  Randy's RootsTech Recap - Day 3 (Friday) (29 February 2020)
*  Randy's RootsTech Recap - Day 4 (Saturday) (1 March 2020)

I got home on Sunday before noon, and read and blogged a bit and didn't journal.  didn't do any searching or data input either.  On Monday:

*  Dropped Linda at the Y , home to read, add to the Best Of and compendium posts, and noted that 

Amanuensis Monday - 1765 Will of William Richman (1694-1769) of Hilperton, Wiltshire posted.

*  Picked her up at 8:45 a.m., and home to get into Mondays With Myrt where we talked a lot about RootsTech.

* Wrote The GeneaBloggers Lifetime Achievement Award and had lunch, then took a nap.

*  Online at 1:45 p.m. to answer email, read blogs and wrote Monday Genea-Pourri - Week Ending 2 March 2020.  Checked Twitter and Facebook.  Added to the compendium and Best Of posts.

*  Went in at 5 p.m. to cook dinner, we ate, watched TV news, read the paper, and washed dishes.

*  Online at 6:40 p.m. to read, write the Tuesday's Tip post, and resolved 198 Ancestry Hints adding content and sources to the RootsMagic database.

*  Answered email, checked blogs, checked Facebook, and wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 9.0 hours.

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