Happy birthday to me, 76 years in the same old body. This was a day in the genea-cave with a little blogging, a little researching, presentation work, some Facebook and Twitter, and dinner out with Linda and the World Series on TV tonight.
* Dropped Linda at the Y, home to read email and blogs, added to the Best Of post, noted that Randy and His Mother in Late 1943 -- Post 588 of (Not So) Wordless Wednesday posted, and looked at some of my Thruline, adding notes for about 5 of the new ones.
* Picked Linda up at 9 a.m. and took her to the hairdresser. I read email and blogs on my phone. Home by 10 a.m.
* Worked some more on the DNA matches, then took my nap. Up at 11:30 and had lunch.
* Wrote Dear Randy: How Do You "Collect" All of Those Links? Edited the presentation once more, then made the syllabus.
* Checked Twitter and Facebook. Had over 170 birthday greetings to work through. Responded to a few. Answered email.
* We left at 4:45 p.m. for dinner at Black Angus. Posted photos on Facebook of our pre-meal beverages. My dinner was fine, Linda is never satisfied. It's hard to find a place she can eat and be happy. Right now it's In 'n' Out. We brought home the birthday dessert - a big chocolate chip cookie. I will eat it in bits over the next week.
* Home by 7 p.m. to watch the World Series game, read the paper, and put out the trash. Online at 8 p.m. to write the Treasure Chest post and add to the Best Of post. Back to see the end of the game which Nationals won 12-3 in 4 hours.
* Online at 9 p.m. to read, check Facebook (over 200 now), and write this post. Genealogy today was 7.0 hours.
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