Monday, December 4, 2017

My Genealogy Sunday and Monday - 3-4 December 2017

1)  Sun day, 3 December: 

*  This was Linda's birthday, so there wasn't much genealogy done today.

*  Read email and blogs watching Meet the Depressed, off to church at 9:30 a.m. and home by 11:30.

*  Watched football, ate lunch, dozed a bit, and watched the Chargers game.  They beat Browns 19-10, so now 6-6 on the season and tied for first in the AFC West.  Quite a turnaround, 6-2 in the last 8 games.

*  Online at 4 p.m. to note that Best of the Genea-Blogs - 26 November to 2 December 2017Added or Updated Collections - Week of 26 November to 2 December 2017 and Added or Updated Record Collections at - Week of 26 November to 2 December 2017 posted.

*  We left at 5:15 for dinner at Black Angus, and that was OK, home by 8 p.m.  Added to the Best Of post, answered email, and checked Facebook.  I didn't journal here.  Genealogy today was 2.5 hours.

2)  Monday, 4 December 2017:

*  Dropped Linda at the Y, home to read, picked her up and home by 9 a.m.  Got into Mondays With Myrt on the second try, and had little to say except about my relationship to Shakespeare.  

*  Read email,. noted that Amanuensis Monday - Probate Records for Estate of John Plimpton (1708-1756) of Medfield, Mass. - Part 6 posted, and wrote Monday Genea-Pourri - 4 December 2017.  

*  Took my nap, up at 12:30 p.m. to eat lunch, online to read, worked on a FamilySearch Family Tree problem, then on several WikiTree problems.  Checked MyHeritage, added some photo discoveries, and wrote Added or Updated Record Collections on MyHeritage - October and November 2017.

*  Checked Twitter and Facebook, then answered email.  Went out and captured more tumbleweeds and put them in the green waste can.

*  Went in at 5:30 p.m. to eat dinner, read the paper, watch TV news and do the dishes.

*  Online at 7 p.m. to add to the Best Of post, then wrote the Treasure Chest post.  Got a phone call from a distant Seaver cousin (found me on the Scribd reports) and talked about his line and mine. 

*  Worked on Ancestry Hints, adding content and sources to the database.  Resolved about 200 of them.  Wrote this post.  Genealgoy today was 10.0 hours.

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