I didn't sleep well last night, and was really tired all morning. After the nap, I felt better, but then after dinner I watched the Padres game.
* Dropped Linda at the Y, home to read emails and blogs, picked her up, and home by 9:20 a.m. to note that Surname Saturday - DELCOUR (Switzerland to Colonial New York) posted. Gathered my stuff and was off to the SDGS meeting.
* Got there by 9:45 and talked to folks, then watched Steve Morse's first talk which was funny and informative. Talked to D at the break about Alzheimers and her father-in-law, what an ordeal. Was really tired, so came home, arriving by noon.
* Read, then lay down for a nap. 90 minutes later I was refreshed and had some snacks. Noted that Saturday Night Genealogy Fun -- Your Genealogy Database Statistics posted, answered email, and wrote three posts on the CVGS blog, and the Ancestry and FamilySearch weekly posts.
* Checked some MyHeritage trees for smart matches in the McKnew family, and matched RootsMagic persons with FamilySearch Family Tree persons.
* Went in at 5:30 p.m. to eat dinner, watch TV news, read the paper, and watch the Padres game. Read my book too. Padres lost 6-3 to Dodgers in a tight game well played by both teams. So now 51-65 on the season, 3-6 on the road trip, and 3-8 vs. the Dodgers on the season.
* Online at 10 p.m. to read, add to the Best Of post, check Facebook and write this post. Genealogy today was 4.5 hours.
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