Sunday, July 2, 2017

My Semi-Genealogy Weekend - 1-2 July 2017

July is off to a relatively cool start - it probably will heat up soon here in Chula Vista by the bay.

1)  Saturday, 1 July 2017

*  Dropped Linda off, went to my breakfast at Marie Callenders, picked her up and we went grocery shopping at Ralphs.  Home by 10 a.m.

*  Noted that Surname Saturday -- JANS (Holland to colonial New York) posted and wrote The Canada 150 Challenge - My Ancestors Living in Canada in 1867.  Added to the Best Of post.

*  Worked a bit more in RootsMagic/Ancestry WebHints, then dozed at my desk.

*  Went in to grab lunch, then online to work more on WebHints and TreeShare.  Noted that  Saturday Night Genealogy Fun -- Fourth of July Memories posted.  Wrote the Ancestry and FamilySearch posts.

*  Worked a bit in Ancestry making more Hints, then worked on finding records for RootsMagic folks, adding content and sources to the database.

*  Worked in RootsMagic matching with FamilySearch Family Tree and finding FS records.  Checked my AncestryDNA matches and added more notes to the Shared Matches.

*  We left at 4 p.m. to go to Dollar Tree for stuff, then to In 'n' Out for dinner, and the trolley to go to the Padres game.  40,000 at Petco for the Dodger game, we lost 8-0.  Seemed like 3/4 of the fans rooted for the Dodgers.  Hate when that happens.  We left after 8 innings and were home by 11 p.m.

*  I didn't journal.  Genealogy this day was 4.5 hours.

2)  Sunday, 2 July:

*  Read email while watching Meet the Depressed.  Off to church at 9:30 a.m. and home by 11:30.

*  Read blogs, updated the Best of the Genea-Blogs - 25 June to 1 July 2017 post.  Transcribed the deed for amanuensis Monday.

*  Went in at 1:15 p.m. to eat lunch, read the paper, dozed a bit, and watched the Padres beat the Dodgers 5-3 in a 3.5 hour game.  So we're 2-7 against the Dodgers and 34-48 overall.  

*  We went to Lolita's for dinner, and home by 6:15 p.m.  Noted that Added or Updated Databases at - Week of 25 June to 1 July 2017 posted.

*  Added to the Best Of post, answered email, and wrote the Amanuensis post.  Worked with FTM.  Took my walk up and down the block.

*  Searched through RootsMagic for people to search for, and found several Seaver families to add content and sources for.  Also did some TreeShare uploads to Ancestry.

*  Checked Facebook and wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 4.5 hours.

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