Monday, October 3, 2016

My Genealogy Monday - 3 October 2016

The weather has cooled down nicely after last week's heat wave.  Our high today was in the mid-70s and mid-60s overnight.  I may have to use a blanket tonight.

*  Dropped Linda at the Y, came hoem to read email and blogs, then pikcked her up and home by 9:03 to join Mondays With Myrt in progress.  Discussed the NARA Civil War pension file I received, plus discussion of how to attract our descendants to family stories.

*  Noted that Amanuensis Monday - Will of Jacques Poillon (1681-1733) of Richmond County, New York posted, as did Added or Updated Record Collections at - Week of 25 September to 1 October 2016.

*  Had lunch, answered emails, then wrote FREE "Little Family Tree" Mobile App is Available.  Took my nap.

*  Online at 3 p.m. to read, add to the Best Of post, then worked a bit in GEDMatch trying to find folks with specific chromosome matches.  Tough to do.  Answered more email.  Forgot to post to Twitter/Facebook.

*  We left at 5 p.m. for Marie Callenders for dinner, then to Ralphs to stock up after the kids were here over the weekend.  

*  Home by 7 p.m. to watch the NFL game, then online to read blogs, worked on the bank statements a bit, then checked Facebook.  Wrote a post for Tuesday morning.   Wrote this post.  Where did the time go?  Genealogy today was 8.5 hours.

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