Wednesday, July 29, 2015

My Genealogy Wednesday - 29 July 2015

Two more days left in July.  This was almost an all-genealogy day again, except for the Padres game.  The weekend won't be - we get the grandgirls tomorrow.

*  Read email and blogs, and wrote Megan Smolenyak on the 2008 TMG Cruise -- Post 371 of (Not So) Wordless Wednesday and then CVGS August 1st Saturday Workshop: "RootsMagic Genealogy Software" and set it for later.  

*  Joined Wednesdays With Myrt and talked about the SSA&C database, showed off the fake lawn, and commented on issues of the hour.  

*  Left at 11:10 a.m. for McDonalds for lunch, then to the Bonita library for the CVGS program.  Got there before noon and helped set up chairs.  A long business meeting, then Gabe did his talk on the 1915 Panama-California Exposition in San Diego.  He did about 90 minutes.  I got home by 3:15 p.m.

*  Read, added to the Best Of post, and wrote Answers from everyStory to my Questions and Comments.

*  Went in to watch the Padres game, eat dinner, read the paper, put out the trash, and read my book.  Pads won 7-3 over Mets, so now 48-53 with two days to trading deadline and no action.

*  Online at 7:30 p.m. to read, then wrote a post for Thursday, answered email, did some searching for Underhill records without success, checked Facebook, and wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 

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