Saturday, November 22, 2014

My Geneaholic Saturday - 22 November 2014

This was not a typical genealogy Saturday - I stayed home and worked online and in my database for most of the day.

*  Read email and blogs, and noted that Surname Saturday -- NICHOLS (England to colonial New England) posted.

*  Decided to take Tanner's ultimate Challenge - picked four families at random in the 1940 census and tried to build trees on Ancestry for them.  Two are bare, two are fairly full.  Will blog about this sometime.

*  Wrote blog posts for the cruise.  Noted that Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - Make a Timeline for an Ancestor posted.

*  Answered email, added to the Best Of post, and checked Facebook.

*  Worked in the 1930 US Census on Ancestry - resolved 41 entries, adding content and sources.  252 left to do.

*  Went in at 5 p.m. to watch TV, eat dinner, and watched football.  Online at 6:30 p.m. to read, watch some of DearMYRTLE's and Russ's videos, then worked in the database adding content and sources for the Ja and Je surnames.  

*  Wrote this post.  genealogy today was  12.5 hours.

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