This was an interesting and full day - stayed home, did some research, and added some content to the database.
* Read email and blogs, then researched and wrote Technology Tuesday - Billion Graves Mobile App. Wrote Three Interesting MyHeritage Announcements and set it for later in the morning.
* Looked for the 1902 Alexander Sovereen article online but didn't find it. Should be in my notebook! Didn't find it on Google, or in Ancestry trees either. Wrote New or Updated Collections at FamilySearch - 12-18 October 2014.
* Worked in the 1940 Census matches on Ancestry - cleared another 53, down to 69 left to do (at least until Ancestry gives me more matches). Added a bunch of sources and some content.
* Looked for Carringer obituaries on GenealogyBank, but I've found all there are for the northern branch. Then checked for Seaver obituaries, and found some I hadn't seen before. Added them, with sources, to the database. Sources at 55,728.
* Went in at 5:15 p.m. to watch the World Series, eat dinner, read the paper, water the front yard, and wash the dishes. Giants won 7-1. Watched Finding Your Roots at 8 p.m. - excellent show, great variety. I love the charts!
* Online at 9 p.m. to read, add to the Best Of post, and check Facebook. Made some descendancy charts from my 7 Mayflower ancestors. Wrote this post. Genealogy today was 10.0 hours.
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