This would have been my mother's 95th birthday, if she had lived. I still miss her.
* Read email and blogs, and wrote Our Christmas 1977 Family Picture -- Post 318 for (Not So) Wordless Wednesday and then WikiChicks Genealogy News Network Launches.
* Packed up and left at 11 a.m. for McDonalds for lunch, then the library to return books, check in with John's group, and go to the CVGS meeting. The speaker didn't have a presentation, she talked while Gary tried to put maps on the screen. There was no broad overview of the topic, only what she knew about the local resources, and not many of them were named. It was very confusing and poorly done, I thought. Too many personal opinions about certain groups also. A waste of my time...IMHO.
* Home by 2:45 p.m. to read, then wrote Do Search Engines Provide What You Request? Made a Flipboard magazine (finally have the process down!) and posted Should "Best of the Genea-Blogs" Be a Weekly Flipboard Magazine?
* Went in at 5:15 p.m. to watch TV news, eat dinner, then took the trash out. Online at 6:30 to read Facebook, mail and blogs, but that was about all.
* Went in at 7:10 p.m. to watch the Padres game, read the paper, and then read my book. With the score 4-1 in the 6th, switched over to WDYTYA? and enjoyed it. Padres were up 12-1 after 7 innings when I came in to do this post. Also added to the Best Of post.
* Genealogy today was 8.5 hours.
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