* Read email and blogs, and got ready for Mondays With Myrt. Noted that Amanuensis Monday - Post 224: 1818 Inventory of John Able Property in Sussex County, New Jersey posted.
* Mondays With Myrt was fun, with a number of subjects. I talked a bit about the murder mystery series, and what I learned about life in 1858.
* Answered email, and wrote The 1858 Murder Trial of Mortimer Seaver - Post 14: The Verdict Is In!
* Finally was able to get into GEDMatch and see my matches, but the chromosome browser was down so I couldn't really compare with others.
* Researched and wrote How Do I Cite Personal Knowledge and Oral, Written or Audio Interviews?
* Checked Facebook, added to the Best Of post, and answered email. Forgot to work on the handouts for SDGS. Tomorrow!
* We left at 4:30 p.m. for Costco, then to El Pollo Loco for dinner, to the trolley station, then walked to Petco, and in our seats by 6:45 p.m. for the Padres game at 7:10. Pads won 1-0 over the Reds, so now 36-46 on the season and won 2 in a row. Read email and blogs while waiting for the trolley.
* Home by 11:10 p.m. to write this post. Genealogy today was 8.0 hours.
Here are the numbers from my RootsMagic database as of 30 June (with increases in the numbers from 31 May 2014 in parentheses):
* 42,915 persons (+ 38)
* 17,144 families (+ 6)
* 130,991 events (+ 388)
* 7,268 places (+ 43)
* 1061 sources (+ 10)
* 52,643 citations (+ 712)
* 885 Multi-media Items (+ 33)
* 2,447 Multimedia links (+ 78)
I'm up to 40.19% (+0.45%) for citations/events and 122.67% (+1.55%) for citations/persons.
Genea-Musings statistics for June (compared to stats for May 2014):
* Genea-Musings traffic rank: Worldwide: 285,172; US: 139,841 (Alexa)
* 116,391 page views (3,880 per day, Blogger Stats, -199)
* 24,668 web page visits (822 per day, Site-meter) (-6)
* 37,178 page views (1,239 per day, Site-meter) (+ 5)
* 24,668 web page visits (822 per day, Site-meter) (-6)
* 37,178 page views (1,239 per day, Site-meter) (+ 5)
* >1,000 readers on Feedly (+??)
* 1,515 readers via email (Feedburner) (-14)
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