I stayed home today again and worked on blogging, watched a webinar, and worked on my database a bit.
* Read email and blogs, then wrote (Not So) Wordless Wednesday - Post 283: Visiting the Liland Farm in Voss, Norway and Mocavo Has Been Working on Handwriting Text Recognition.
* Tuned in at 10:50 a.m. to the Thomas MacEntee webinar on Mind Mapping. That looks interesting.
* Ate lunch, then wrote the SDGS program review and sent it to Diane.
* Had a Hangout with Pat and Russ on collaboration on AMTs, another one tomorrow.
* Researched and wrote Transferring Media Files Between Software Programs - Post 3: RootsMagic GEDCOM Imported to Legacy Family Tree 7.5. Uploaded the GEDCOM to a new Ancestry Member Tree.
* Went in at 5 p.m. to empty and replace the piggies litter, fed them, and watched TV, read the paper and we had dinner. Got the trash put out.
* Online at 6 p.m. to read, answer email, and then worked in FTM for awhile, adding more info to John's tree, added another set of families. Made a pedigree chart and ancestor report.
* Worked in the database, adding content and sources for the Ea to Ec surnames.
* Checked Facebook, added to the Best Of post, and wrote this post. genealogy today was 11.5 hours.
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