I even went out to a cemetery today and got some exercise and some sun. I need to do that more often.
* Read email and blogs, wrote (Not So) Wordless Wednesday - Post 257: A Young Edward R. Seaver and then Military Records FREE on MyHeritage Through 28 May and set it for later.
* Tuned in at 10:45 a.m. to watch Lisa Alzo's webinar on Ten Hidden Resources. Pretty good webinar - I learned something.
* After lunch, printed off the query for the cemetery, and my map of Glen Abbey, and off to find the Petersens. Walked for almost 30 minutes before I found them. The map has only blocks shown so they're about an acre each. Took some pictures.
* Home by 2 p.m. to read, then worked in GenealogyBank and Fold3 looking for San Francisco Chronicle articles for Linda's ancestral families. Wrote Found Newspaper Articles for Linda's Parents in 1937 in San Francisco. Found some Find A Grave entries also, so added them and sourced them.
* Went in at 5:15 p.m. for dinner, watched TV news and did my chores (trash out for pickup).
* Onlnie at 6:15 p.m. to read, then worked in the database for awhile on random people - adding content and sources.
* Went in at 7:15 p.m. to watch the Padres game, read the paper, and start my Baldacci book. Added the cemetery photos to Dropbox on the iPhone. Pads lost 5-3 to the Cards (now 21-25).
* Online at 9:30 p.m. to read, added to the Best Of post, worked in the database a bit more adding content and sources, checked Facebook, and wrote this post.
Genealogy today was 9.5 hours.
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