Well, I missed journaling for a few days here - I decided to give my readers a break. Honestly, I was too busy with the grandgirls those days and was only able to do minimal email responses, blog/social reading, and blog postings between grandgirl sessions. In essence, I did the "usual" blog posts for the daily themes, and that was about it. I did no actual research or online searching in this time period.
We went and picked them up in Orange County on Tuesday (their mom had surgery on Wednesday) and they left tonight after dinner to go home with their father. We love having them, but 5 nights is about two too long. Linda is worn out every night. They often entertain themselves - singing, dancing, drawing, writing, jumping on the bed, etc. We went to the zoo on Saturday. They got music CDs from their mom this week, and played them on my laptop while going to sleep or during play periods. They got Strawberry Shortcake DVDs also, and played one of them on my computer today. We helped Lolo with her homework - she had an ancestor report due, so we talked about the country she wanted to do (England), selected Rachel Morley as the target. I printed out a line of descent from Rachel to Lolo (her mtDNA descent!), we looked stuff up online about English customs, flag, culture, etc., and Lolo wrote her report.
I did watch the 49ers/Falcons game today, and some of the Patriots/Ravens. James came at 5 p.m. and we went to Lolita's for dinner, then got back just in time to see the end of the Patriots/Ravens game. I'm happy that it's going to be a Jim vs. John Harbaugh game. We like the 49ers because of Linda's SF connection.
I was finally able to do something genealogical tonight - I decided on pinball genealogy - find names, dates, places for persons with blank spots in my database. I enjoy doing this, I can stop when I want to, and I get the feeling of accomplishing something - adding names, dates, places, relationships, sources, notes, etc.
My iPhone camera wouldn't open on Saturday at the Zoo, and I Googled a bit and didn't see an obvious fix. I posted about it on Facebook, and Lucie said to turn the phone completely off to close all of the apps. When I turned it back on, I opened the camera and it worked! Took a few pix this afternoon of the girls.
That's my story and i'm sticking to it, and also going to bed early...loving little girls is hard work!
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