* After reading email and blogs, wrote Treasure Chest Thursday - 1850 U.S. Census Record for Daniel Spangler Family.
* Worked in New York Deeds for Erie County the rest of the morning - found more deeds for Amos Underhill and some for Samuel Vaux. Captured the images, renamed them, sourced the events, and added to the research logs.
* Answered some email, then wrote Watch Out for Dates in Mocavo Trees after cousin Bonnie told me of the problem. This was fixed pretty quickly by Mocavo and I added to my post.
* More email came in so I wrote RootsTech 2013 Keynote Speakers Will Be... and Huntington Beach Genealogy BASH is 2 March 2013 and set it for later.
* Did some online searching and added events and sources to the database for awhile.
* Went in for dinner after 5 p.m. to read the paper, eat dinner, watch TV news and wash the dishes.
* Online again at 6:45 p.m. to read, add to the Best Of post, and write CVGS Research Group meeting had its picture taken... Checked Facebook too.
* Worked in the database adding content and sources - solved several mysteries using AmericanAncestors and Massachusetts VR books online. Then used the Find A Grave record matches to confirm 16 more matches, adding content and sources.
* Genealogy today was 11.0 hours.
Here are the numbers from my RootsMagic database as of 31 January (with numbers from 1 January 2013):
* 41,478 persons (-20)
* 16,537 families (-27)
* 118,393 events (+794)
* 6,129 places (+99)
* 847 sources (+15)
* 36,832 citations (+1,610)
* 373 Multi-media Items (+ 2)
* 1,204 Multimedia links (+ 5)
I'm up to 31.11% (+1.16%) for citations/events and 88.80% (+3.92%) for citations/persons.
Genea-Musings statistics for 31 January 2013 (compared to 30 November 2012):
* 1,095 Feedburner subs for Genea-Musings (email) readers (+37)
* 38 Feedburner subs for The Geneaholic (email) readers (-1)
* 1,560 Google Reader readers for Genea-Musings (+122)
* Genea-Musings traffic rank: worldwide: 212,555; US: 71,551 (Alexa)
* 82,229 page views (2,652 per day, Blogger Stats, +481)
* 26,362 web page visits (850 per day, Site-meter) (+118)
* 43,870 page views (1,415 per day, Site-meter) (+232)
* 26,362 web page visits (850 per day, Site-meter) (+118)
* 43,870 page views (1,415 per day, Site-meter) (+232)
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