I've become pretty predictable, haven't I? I've used the same words and phrases to describe my daily activities almost every day for the past several years. Does everybody understand what I mean when I say "...going in to eat dinner" or similar? It's no more than leaving the "Genealogy Cave" (actually a back bedroom) and walking down the hall and turning left into the family room.
* After reading email and blogs, wrote Amanuensis Monday - Martin Carringer's Revolutionary War Pension File: Post 8: 1849 Declaration of Molly Carringer.
* Tuned into DearMYRTLE's Mondays with Myrt webinar to her Pat, Russ and now Tessa talk about many things which I cannot recall now! Suffered another Blue Screen of Death episode while listening and websurfing...rebooted.
* Researched and wrote The Interactive Viewer on Ancestry.com is Great! I really like it - wonder which databases it's currently used on?
* After lunch, worked in the database for several hours finding online info to add content and sources to families in the database. Worked a lot on two Seaver families in Massachusetts, finding death dates and obituaries, and in some cases marriage dates, place and birth dates and places for family members. Transcribed several obituaries from GenealogyBank too.
* Answered some email, and sent the CVGS program announcement to the e-mailing list. Checked Facebook and Google Plus too.
* After dinner, went online to write Genealogy Software Versions 10 Years Ago... and then started the CVGS Member Survey tabulation. Worked in Find A Grave using MyHeritage Record Matches to add content and sources to the database. It's amazing how many colonial folks are in FAG, and how many recent burials there are too.
* Added to the Best Of post, and wrote this post.
Genealgoy today was 11.0 hours.
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