Got a big deadline met, and did some blogging...not sure if I made much database progress, though.
* Read email and blogs, wrote Mocavo to Provide FREE Genealogical Records and included snarky paragraph about abiding by embargo times. Turns out that others didn't have an embargo time, so posted before my time. Deleted the snarky later after email from Mocavo explaining it.
* Read about new FTM 2012 update, so downloaded, installed and uploaded a new GEDCOM to try it out. The FGS problem seems fixed, plus some new features. Wrote New Family Tree Maker 2012 Update, and set it for later in the morning.
* Wrote Follow-Up Friday - Helpful Reader Comments and set it for mid-afternoon.
* Finally got around to finishing up my column after doing some online research, and sent it off to the editor before the deadline. Last one...
* Had to download BackUpMyTree again and set it to work - the darn thing sucked up every file I had...hundreds of them. Not what I wanted...started to delete them one at a time, but that's not going to work. Wrote mail to them asking what to do.
* Got laptop started, and loaded latest version of FTM 2012 and added latest GEDCOM file to it and to RootsMagic.
* Wrote Surname Saturday post and SNGF post for Saturday, since I'm going to be busy. Did some online research looking for Jean's ancestry and an AMT by a cousin. Answered some emails too.
* After dinner, back online for awhile to check Facebook, answer more email, and then watched the Padres game. Giants beat us.
* Online at 10 p.m. to add to the Best Of post and write this post.
Genealogy today was 8.5 hours.
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