It was a very busy weekend, and I got very little accomplished because of Tami's family visit and the Saturday talk in Huntington Beach.
1) Friday, 6 April 2012:
* Read email and blogs, wrote Using Steve Morse 1940 Census ED Finder and then Follow-Up Friday - Reader's Comments Answered and set it for later in the morning.
* Double-checked everything for Saturday - got the laptop case packed.
* Researched and wrote the SNGF post and forgot to set it for Saturday, so it was live online for an hour on Friday. Texicanwife posted hers in response - a day early! Copied it, then edited it, and then deleted it from the post queue.
* Worked a bit in the database, and added content and sources for several families. Wrote Celebrity 1940 US Census Records Collection.
* We left at 4:30 p.m. for the Padres game. Lost to Dodgers 6-0 in a terrible game. We left after 7 innings, so home by 10 p.m. and I read but not much else.
Genealogy this day was 7.5 hours
2) Saturday, 7 April 2012
* Read email and blogs, noted that blog posts were ready to go.
* We left at 8:30 a.m. for the 105 mile trip to Huntington Beach - all freeway except for the last three miles. Everything went well until we hit San Clemente, then we did 3 miles in 30 minutes because the friggin' highway folks were closing off one lane!
* We got to the HB Library at 10:45 a.m., just in time for the 11 a.m. start of the program. I gave my GPS/RES talk, then we had a lunch break (turkey sandwich and chips), and I did the My Favorite Ancestor talk. Done by 1:30 p.m., but we didn't leave the building until 2 p.m.
* Decided to come home on the beach route - probably a mistake. Finally got to CV at 4:30 so went to Black Angus for dinner.
* Home by 6 p.m. to wait for Tami's family. Noted that Surname Saturday - GREENMAN (England > Rhode Island) and Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - A Genealogy Easter Egg Hunt posted.
They came by 6:30 .m. and I played with the girls, while we watched the Padres game (lost again, 6-5 in 11 innings) on TV.
* Read email and blogs after 9 p.m., finished up the Best Of post, wrote Census-whacking on Easter-oriented Names and set it for early morning, but that was it.
Genealogy this day was all of 4.5 hours.
3) Sunday, 8 April 2012
* Up early but had to entertain the girls for awhile - the iPhone is great for that! Tami and James got up fairly early, the girls had their egg hunt in the living room, and we had a pancake breakfast. Then Tami and I hid eggs in the front yard for the girls. Got some video of that.
* We went off to church at 9:30 a.m., and home by 11:30. Tami and her family left for the SD Zoo Safari Park and then home. I noted that Best of the Genea-Blogs - 1 to 7 April 2012 posted, then went in to read the paper, watch the Padres game (we won, 8-4, now 1-3), and dozed for awhile.
* Online at 4 p.m. to read, then finished up the CVGS Newsletter and it's ready to publish on Monday. Watched some of two Legacy webinars and downloaded the syllabus for the cruise (We're only a five weeks away now!). Went in for dinner at 5:30 p.m., and back online by 6 p.m.
* Worked in the database using Ancestry census records and American Ancestors vital records to find Mass. BMDs and added events/sources (110596/27613).
* Reviewed my FamilySearch Indexing errors (95% on last 1940 batch...drat). Did another batch for California (Fresno County) with Japanese, Chinese and Yugoslavian people on it.
* Read blogs, searched the 1940 census again for Severt Leland and found him, so wrote a post for Monday about it with Lessons Learned. Wrote this post.
Genealogy today was 6.0 hours.
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