Sunday, January 29, 2012

My genealogy days - 28 and 29 January 2012

Two more get-ups until we're off to Salt Lake City...Linda's packing.

1)  Saturday, 28 January:

*  Read email and blogs, noted that Surname Saturday - WAITE (England to Rhode Island) posted.

*  Read about, so wrote Is the new brightsolid USA Venture?   This had a decent scoop in it, and was highlighted on Twitter for awhile by genealogy folks.  

*  Started to listen to the FGS Radio show, but we left at 11:15 a.m. for Lolita's to meet Tami and the girls for lunch.  Then home to get Audrey, Tami and Randy a nap while Linda took Lauren swimming at the Y.  

*  Noted that Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - Your Maternal Grandfather's Paternal Line posted.
Watched Aztecs basketball and Torrey Pines Golf, took my nap.  Audrey up at 2 p.m. to watch Disney TV.

*  Steph and Mary and Steph's little ones came before 3 to visit, and we played the whole time.  Not many pictures taken.  

*  We went to Panera for dinner, and See's afterwards.  Got Audrey bathed and read to, then she was up and down for over two hours.  Wrote Rock Star Genealogist Results.  Spent most of the time reading, adding to the Best Of post, and printing off material for the trip.

Genealogy on Saturday was 5.0 hours.

2)  Sunday, 29 January:

*  Up late because Audrey woke up at 3:30... got Audrey's breakfast and mine, did Linda's letters, and barely read email before Tami and girls left for home and we went off to church.

*  Home at 11:30 a.m. to read, then finished up the Best of the Genea-Blogs - 22 to 28 January 2012 post.  Tuned into Scanfest and chatted until 2 p.m.  Found two photo stitching programs and tried them out.

*  Wrote to LiveStream Sessions at RootsTech 2012.  

*  Wrote January 25th CVGS Program Review - "Genealogy Is Fun! Seriously!" and RootsTech 2012 Conference - LiveStreamed Sessions  plus one more.  Emailed board members my board report and members about RootsTech, respectively..

*  Went in for dinner at 5, watched TV and Pro Bowl until 7.

*  Online to read, start Best Of post, wrote the iGene Awards post for Monday, checked Facebook, answered email, worked for awhile in GenealogyBank.  They've added more San Diego newspaper years.  Found up to 1970.  Wrote this post.  That makes 8 blog posts today.

Genealogy today was 8.0 hours.

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