Five more days before flying off to SLC and I am even more not ready! Did complete a major task today.
* Read email and blogs, wrote (Not So) Wordless Wednesday - Post 189: Fred Shaw of Leominster, Mass.
* Put the presentation on the flash drive, added the files to the laptop, made sure it worked. Checked that the song was on the iPhone. Put the handouts in the laptop case. Ready to go!
* Wrote The Genealogy Bucket List Meme (Courtesy of Geniaus) and set it for mid-afternoon.
* Left at 10:30 a.m. for lunch with Janice and Olive (their treat, thank you, ladies!), and then to the library by 11:40 a.m. to get set up for the "Genealogy is Fun! Seriously!" presentation. Got the iPhone hooked into the house mike, the laptop up and running, and all set. Meeting started at 12:20, I was on at 12:45 or so. The audience of 40 or so had Genealogy Bingo cards - whenever I said a word, or they saw the word on the screen, they crossed it off. Got no totally filled cards, but it was close.
* Home by 2:30 to read, pondered writing something, but too sleepy so went in at 4:30 to take a nap. We ate dinner, watched TV and read the paper, I took out the trash.
* Online by 6:30 p.m. to read, write RootsTech 2012 Syllabus articles are online... and proceed to download many of the syllabus articles to my RootsTech 2012 file.
* Checked Facebook, added to the Best Of post, and wrote this post.
Genealogy today was 10.0 hours.
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