It was a late night last night, so decided to do a two-in-one post tonight.
On Wednesday, Lolo up early, got her breakfast and juice, and set up with TV, and was able to read email, blogs and Twitter. Was in and out with Lolo, but able to post Top 50 Genealogy Sites for 2010 and write (Not So) Wordless Wednesday - Post 103: Little Lord Lyle and set it for later.
* Left at 11:15 a.m. for the library, and hosted the CVGS Computer Group meeting. We explored the new FamilySearch Record Search databases - each of the ten persons working on their own. Was home by 1:30 p.m.
* Wrote Massachusetts Vital Record collections on FamilySearch Pilot quickly, then Lolo got up from her nap, we packed her stuff up, and took off for Ontario Mills, leaving at 3:15 p.m.
* Got to Ontario Mills before 5:30, met Tami, had dinner at Rainforest Cafe, shopped a bit, had Krispy Kreme doughnuts for dessert, and Tami took Lolo home and we drove home listening to the Padres game.
* Home at 9:45 p.m., watched rest of 4-hour game until 11:10, Padres won 10-5. Checked email and blogs but nothing else.
Genealogy on Wednesday was 5.0 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 2.0 hours at CVGS meeting, and 2.0 hours writing blog posts.
Started Thursday off with high hopes to get the Class 4 presentation 50% done...not sure I did it.
* Read email, blogs and Twitter, then wrote Treasure Chest Thursday - Auble/Kemp Marriage Record and 50 Best Blogs for Genealogy - from
* Got cleaned up, wrote Genea-Musings makes the Newspaper and 2010 FamilySearch Software Awards - what they mean and set them for later in the afternoon. Printed of the NGSQ article for tonight's chat. Answered some email.
* Had lunch, and started in on Class 4 presentation. Got first topic on Genealogical Proof Standard done, and the second section on Online Family Trees almost done. Still have Newspapers, Directories, Land, Probate and Court Records to go.
* Went in at 5 p.m. to watch TV, read the paper, eat dinner, then back to computer for the NGSQ article chat at 6 p.m. That lasted until 7 p.m., and went in to watch Padres-Dodgers game.
* Read American Ancestors magazine, the ballot measures, and the CGSSD Compu-Gen while watching the game, which the Dodgers won 4-1. Padres now 24-17, still in first place at 25% mark.
* Back on computer at 10 p.m. to write this post, check on Facebook and I'm done.
Genealogy today was 8.5 hours - 1.0 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 2.5 hours writing 5 blog posts, 0.5 hour on Twitter/Facebook, and 4.0 hours on Gen101 class presentation.
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