A stay-at-home genealogy day - few interruptions too!
* Read email (110 messages again from mailing lists... arghh), blogs and Twitter, posted Treasure Chest Thursday - Richmond Obituaries and "Faces of America" Profiles and Family Trees before getting cleaned up.
* Worked for awhile in GenSmarts, created screen shots, then wrote Using GenSmarts - Post 1: Loading a Database File.
* Had lunch at my desk, answered some email, worked in database adding sources, removing sources from localities, etc. Added more notes for Medfield families from Medfield MA book. Finished that task - been trying to do it for 15 years!
* Printed off NGSQ article for TGSG chat tonight. Went in at 4 p.m. to watch news, read NGSQ article, read paper, take a nap, eat dinner. Successful completion of all tasks.
* Back online at 6:30 p.m., read everything, wondered what to write about. Downloaded SCGS Jamboree brochure and read it. TGSG chat started at 7 p.m. with Melissa leading, done by 7:45.
* Wrote How Deep? to link to Graveyard Rabbit Online Journal column. Did a little research for one of my students - found her target and sent her census record. Cleaned up my Bloglines list a bit - deleted about 8 non-functioning blogs. Checked in on Facebook. Wrote this post.
Genealogy today was 10.5 hours - 1.0 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 1.0 hour in GenSmarts, 2.0 hours writing blog posts, 1.5 hours on TGSG article/chat, 0.5 hour on Twitter/Facebook, and 4.0 hours working in database on sources and notes.
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